Elese Draheim

Elese Draheim BSc, BMedSc, GradCert-ForSc

GAEBA Executive, Vision 2020 Representative
Brisbane, QLD


Elese began her tissue banking career in 2019, and is currently a Scientist at the Queensland Tissue Bank. The Queensland Tissue Bank retrieves various types of tissue such as eye, skin, musculoskeletal and cardiovascular tissues. In her current role, she is responsible for all aspects of tissue donation , including donor screening, consent conversations, tissue recovery and graft production. She has completed two Bachelor degrees, majoring in Psychology and Medical Science. She has also completed a Graduate Certificate in Forensic Science. Elese represents EBAANZ on the Vision 2020 Australia Global Working Group and joined the GAEBA Executive in 2023 after representing GAEBA and EBAANZ at the COESCA-OSK Conference in Mombasa.