ANZ Eye Banks re-brand in honour of donors and recipients
The Eye Bank Association of Australia and New Zealand (EBAANZ) have launched their new logo and new look website.
EBAANZ is the peek body for eye banking, eye donation and allocation in Australia and New Zealand. “Australians and New Zealanders who choose to become eye donors at the end of their life are invaluable for the sight restoration of other people awaiting a transplant, and we wanted our brand to reflect their contribution” says EBAANZ Chair Luke Weinel.
“Without donors, many Australians and New Zealanders would be without access to a sight restoring transplant, and surgeons and researchers would be without donations to support eye care research for those with vision impairment today and in the future.
“Our re-brand reflects the new life the gift of donation offers to recipients, and the vibrant colours intentionally attract attention to ensure the contributions donors make toward eye care are never forgotten.
“The design uses the ‘eye’ to focus on our two nations, and the ‘eye lids’ to connect and symbolise the unique relationship between the donor and recipient,” says Mr Weinel.

Key Information
- There are six eye banks across Australia and New Zealand. All six are EBAANZ Members. They are located in Adelaide, Auckland, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney.
- In 2020, there were: a. 1443 ANZ donors b. 2495 corneal transplants in ANZ.
- Cornea transplantation (at the front of the eye) has the highest tissue transplant rate in Australia.
- A corneal donation helps people with conditions such as Keratoconus, Bullous Keratopathy, Fuch’s Dystrophy or injury.
- A scleral donation (the white of the eye) can be used to help people with ocular tumours or cover a valve implanted into the eye to help people with glaucoma.
- Donations can also help train surgeons and support vision restoring research that is examining eye conditions and developing future therapies.
- Donation in Australia is voluntary. Donor’s may register to become a donor at any time. A donor’s next-of-kin is asked to confirm if the donor wanted to donate before the donation is accepted.
“Australians and New Zealanders who choose to become eye donors at the end of their life are invaluable for the sight restoration of other people awaiting a transplant, and we wanted our brand to reflect their contribution” says EBAANZ Chair Luke Weinel.
– Luke Weinel, EBAANZ Chair