Eye Bank Association of Australia and New Zealand
Established in 2003, the Eye Bank Association of Australia and New Zealand (EBAANZ) provides professional support and development to the eye banks within both nations, and representation to external partners. All 6 eye banks located in Adelaide, Auckland, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth, and Sydney are EBAANZ Members.
Through core values of equity, innovation, advocacy, service, and collaboration, EBAANZ is committed to promoting and improving tissue donation within the community, managing the final wishes of the donor, safeguarding access to tissues for those requiring a sight restoring transplant, and supporting the development of research and future therapies.
EBAANZ is a member of Vision2020 Australia and the Global Alliance of Eye Bank Associations, and works collaboratively with the Australian Commonwealth Government’s Organ and Tissue Authority – Donatelife.
EBAANZ is incorporated in Victoria Australia. Rules of Incorporation.

Our Leaders
Executive Committee
- Co-Chair – Lisa Buckland (Perth) & Pierre Georges (Syndey)
- Deputy-Chair – Rebekah Goodrich (Brisbane)
- Secretary – Candice Leighton (Brisbane)
Medical Advisory Committee
- Chair – Con Petsoglou (Sydney)
- EBAANZ Representative – Lisa Buckland (Perth)
- RANZCO Representative – Peter Beckingsale (Brisbane)
- Infectious Disease Expert – Matt Roberts (Adelaide)
- Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Serology Expert – Benjamin Armstrong (Sydney)
- Secretary – Candice Leighton (Brisbane)
EBAANZ Representative to the Global Alliance of Eye Bank Associations
- Elese Draheim (Brisbane)
EBAANZ Representative to OTA’s Eye and Tissue Advisory Committee, and Project Officer
- Heather Machin (Melbourne)